Crafting Authentic Tablea: A Step-by-Step Guide to Making Delicious Filipino Chocolate

Crafting Authentic Tablea: A Step-by-Step Guide to Making Delicious Filipino Chocolate

Discover the art of creating Filipino tablea from scratch.

Tablea, a beloved Filipino treat, has a rich history dating back centuries. Crafted from cacao beans, it’s a staple in many Filipino households, used to make hot chocolate, desserts, and even savory dishes. In this guide, we’ll take you through the rewarding journey of making your own tablea, from sourcing quality cacao beans to molding and savoring the finished product.

Sourcing Quality Cacao Beans

Where can you find quality cacao beans?
Quality cacao beans can be found through various sources, including local cacao farms, farmers’ markets, specialty cacao bean suppliers, or online cacao bean marketplaces. Look for beans that are freshly harvested and ideally sourced from reputable growers.

How to select the freshest cacao beans?
Choose cacao beans that are plump, uniform in size, and have a shiny surface. Avoid beans that are discolored, moldy, or damaged. Smell the beans; they should have a rich, chocolatey aroma. Additionally, buying directly from cacao growers or reputable suppliers can ensure freshness.

Fermenting and Drying Cacao Beans

Why is fermentation crucial in the chocolate-making process?
Fermentation is essential to develop the beans’ flavor by breaking down bitter compounds and enhancing chocolatey notes. It also helps reduce astringency and acidity, resulting in a smoother taste.

How to ferment and dry cacao beans at home?
Fermenting involves placing cacao beans in shallow containers, covering them with banana leaves or cloth, and allowing them to ferment for a few days, stirring periodically. After fermentation, beans should be sun-dried on clean surfaces until they reach the desired moisture content.

What are the signs of well-fermented and dried beans?
Well-fermented beans have a fruity, slightly sour aroma and a consistent color. Properly dried beans should snap when bitten, indicating they have reached the correct moisture level, typically around 6-7%.

Fermented vs. Non-Fermented Cacao Beans for Tablea

Which is best for tablea, fermented beans or non-fermented beans, and why?
Fermented cacao beans are typically preferred for making tablea due to several reasons. Fermentation is a critical step in the chocolate-making process as it enhances the flavor of the beans. During fermentation, the natural sugars in the cacao pulp are converted into acids and alcohol, which helps to reduce bitterness and astringency while developing the beans’ unique chocolatey notes.

Fermentation also plays a crucial role in reducing acidity and enhancing the overall smoothness of the chocolate. It brings out fruity and floral undertones in the cacao, making for a more complex and well-rounded flavor profile.

Non-fermented beans, on the other hand, may have a more pronounced bitterness and astringency, which can be challenging to balance when making tablea. They lack the nuanced flavor characteristics that fermentation imparts to cacao.

Ultimately, while it is possible to make tablea from non-fermented beans, the vast majority of traditional and high-quality tablea recipes call for fermented cacao beans. The fermentation process is considered essential to achieve the rich, flavorful, and well-balanced chocolate that tablea is known for.

Roasting Cacao Beans to Perfection

Why is roasting an important step in tablea making?
Roasting cacao beans brings out their full flavor potential by removing moisture, developing complex aromas, and reducing bitterness. It’s a crucial step in the chocolate-making process.

What equipment is needed for roasting cacao beans?
A home roasting setup can range from a simple oven or stovetop pan to dedicated cacao roasters. It’s important to have a reliable thermometer to monitor temperature during roasting.

How to roast cacao beans?
Preheat your oven to the recommended temperature, typically around 250°F (120°C). Spread the roasted cacao beans evenly on a baking sheet and roast them for a specific duration, usually 20-30 minutes. Be attentive and adjust the time as needed to achieve the desired flavor profile.

What are the key temperature and time considerations?
Roasting temperatures typically range from 250°F to 300°F (120°C to 150°C). Roasting times vary but generally last 20-30 minutes. It’s crucial to follow a roast profile that suits your desired flavor profile and bean variety.

Cracking and Winnowing

How to remove the cacao nibs from their shells?
After roasting, cacao beans are cracked to separate the nibs from the shells. You can use a specialized cracking machine or a makeshift method like a rolling pin or mortar and pestle. Winnowing, the process of separating nibs from shells, can be done using a hairdryer or a homemade winnowing setup.

What tools can be used for cracking and winnowing?
Cracking tools can vary from simple hammers to hand-cranked machines. Winnowing can be done with a hairdryer, a homemade winnower, or even manually by blowing away the lighter shell fragments.

Tips for reducing waste during this process.
To minimize waste, crack the beans gently, and adjust your winnowing technique to capture as many nibs as possible. The husks can be repurposed in brewing cacao tea.

Sweetening Your Tablea

Traditional sweeteners used in tablea
In Filipino tablea recipes, common sweeteners include muscovado sugar, coconut sugar, or even condensed milk. These sweeteners complement the chocolatey richness of tablea.

How to balance sweetness to suit your taste
Sweetening is a matter of personal preference. Start with a modest amount and gradually add more to achieve your desired sweetness level. Taste-testing as you go is key to finding the perfect balance.

Exploring alternative sweeteners and flavorings
Get creative with your tablea by experimenting with alternative sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, or spices like cinnamon or vanilla for added depth of flavor.

Molding and Cooling

What molds are best for shaping tablea?
Traditional tablea molds are made of wood and impart a unique texture to the finished product. However, you can use silicone molds or even ice cube trays for convenience.

How to properly temper and cool your tablea for a glossy finish
Tempering ensures your tablea has a shiny finish and a satisfying snap when you bite into it. Heat your tablea gently, then cool it in the molds or on parchment paper to achieve the desired texture.

Creative ideas for tablea presentation and packaging
Consider packaging your homemade tablea in decorative boxes or jars for gifts or personal use. Include recipes or serving suggestions to share the joy of tablea with others.

Storing and Enjoying Your Tablea

Proper storage to maintain freshness
Store your tablea in an airtight container in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Properly stored, tablea can last for several months.

Ways to use tablea in recipes (e.g., hot chocolate, desserts)
Tablea is incredibly versatile. Use it to make traditional Filipino hot chocolate, bake it into brownies, or incorporate it into savory dishes like mole. The possibilities are endless.

Sharing the joy of homemade tablea with family and friends
Homemade tablea makes a thoughtful gift. Share your creations with loved ones, and introduce them to the rich and authentic flavors of Filipino chocolate.

Joining Cacao Grower Communities

The benefits of joining online communities or social media groups focused on cacao growing
Joining cacao grower communities provides access to a wealth of knowledge, tips, and resources. It’s an excellent way to connect with fellow enthusiasts and experts.

Where to find and how to join these communities
Look for cacao grower groups on social media platforms like Facebook or specialized forums. Joining is usually as simple as sending a request or signing up.

How to actively participate and contribute to discussions for valuable insights
Engage in conversations, ask questions, and share your experiences. The more you actively participate, the more you’ll learn and connect with others who share your passion.

Collaborating and Sharing Experiences

How connecting with cacao growers and chocolate enthusiasts can enhance your knowledge
Collaborating with others in the cacao community can lead to exciting projects, shared learning, and opportunities to explore new aspects of chocolate making.

Collaborative projects and initiatives within cacao grower communities
Collaborative efforts can range from group purchases of cacao beans to organizing cacao-related events, workshops, or even chocolate tastings.

Sharing your tablea-making journey and learning from others’ experiences
Don’t hesitate to share your own experiences and insights. Likewise,

be open to learning from the experiences of others in the community.


Crafting authentic tablea is a labor of love, but the rewards are delicious and culturally significant. Whether you’re a seasoned chocolate maker or a newbie, the journey of creating your own tablea is a delightful adventure. Embrace the knowledge shared by cacao grower communities and savor the joy of sharing your homemade tablea with family and friends. Enjoy the rich and nuanced flavors of this Filipino treasure and the sense of accomplishment that comes with making it from scratch.

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